Sapient Vision

Beings of Nature

Call me Atlas,

Let us recall the times, when the basics of life, food, clean water and shelter, were offered by mother nature, to all who endeavored to foster, a sapient relationship with her, and with ourselves.

Our natural way of life, spans at least,190,000 years, fully 95% of human history, when in our original human state, we were a free, though integrated member, of a natural ecosystem.

Within our Mother’s embrace, in return for a small piece of our day, in earnest interplay, she could beautifully sustain us, thereby granting the base, and the space, to play, to ponder, pleasure in, and pursue life progress – with grace.

Today however, just recently in our human timeline, we’ve been snatched away from our natural oases.

Our lives, are now totally dependent, on a new relationship, with a non-living, artificial system. Where in return for the basics of life, demands much more time and energy, than we’ve evolved to lose – at a cost to our life – which likewise affects the system itself.

It’s an unsustainable scene, with the system aging, and deteriorating, along with the population – and the younger generations, wisely refusing, to fully commit themselves – to the situation.

We also find ourselves facing a time of dramatic change, with thousands of human occupations, shifting away from billions of human hands, into computerized machinery.

With these level of strain, our system is vulnerable soon to collapse, and civil society, would go with it.

There is no doubt, in light of what is arriving, we either act, or will be acted upon.

I have learned this hard truth, from the hard experience, of falling through an economic crack, to the bottom of an abyss, filled with the discarded refuse, of human minds and bodies, tossed away, like empty cans.

Prior to the banking crash, I was a husband and father, in a four bedroom home with a pool, driving German and British cars, with dreams, plans, and ambition, to work towards improving the human condition.

Afterwards, my life’s purpose was nearly burned to ash, as I was reduced to a homeless single father, in full survival mode.

All my life, there was a recurring nightmare, that hunted, and haunted me – in which I found myself, suddenly, dazed, in the rain, miserable, dejected – and homeless.

It took all my might, to pull, to drag my paralyzed body, by will alone, from a deep depth of horror, into the dead of night, heart pounding, drenched in sweat.

This nightmare, turned out to be a premonition, which had crawled up into the waking world.

Once I was in it’s grip – it backed away, leaving me there, to face, what was not a dream, but my new reality.

That years long experience – was filled with both the dark horrors of shattered psyches, shouting at invisible assailants, to brilliant illuminations from overlooked geniuses, and glowing, angelic helpers, who led us, from one perch to the next.

Last, not least – the ones of golden heart, who would share their last piece of bread with us, and their wisdom.

All those profound encounters, clarified my vision, retooled, and refueled my mission, to make a positive difference, by helping prevent others, from falling into the fracture which had engulfed us.

We at Oases exist, to erect Self-sustaining communities, Sapient habitations, with a vision of utilizing the energy, naturally, towards the advancement of humanity. ~Atlas A.Teru

If you have any questions, or would like to participate, feel free to reach out.

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